Oracle Reader

True to her namesake, Andrea’s oracle readings are RICH! Rich in depth. Rich in revelation. Rich in activation. To sit down at the table with her is to pull back the veil for awhile and peer into the inner workings of your soul‘s machinery.

I’ve had some disappointing readings in the past that lacked substance and luster. I felt like my reading was so general, it could be applied to anyone…or they were saying what I wanted to hear. And I’m a skeptic by nature. A scientist too!

However, Andrea’s readings have connected to the events and stories in my life through so much synchronicity and weird nuance, that I couldn’t deny their potency. I love her use of imagery, story, myth, and metaphor to create an illustration of the karmic dynamics at play in my life and to help me connect the dots from a place that goes under and beyond language.

And the readings are just FUN. Like Carnivál in Rio fun. 10/10 will sign up for a reading / Astral Escapade with this wily wizard again.
~Lydia M., 2024


Clarifying. Clairvoyence, clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognizant, clairgustance (taste), clairalience (smell).

Omniscience, omnipresence. And most profound—storytelling.

All of these are found within, and many of us sensitives, intuitives, psychics, have been making sense of them our whole lives. Of course I must include the widely and perhaps not always correctly used term empath. I get way too saturated when things become things in the western culture.

So the beautiful truth is these systems hold the keys to knowing the self. They use the gateway called awareness. When the knowing trusts in them they amplify, purify, and better yet—transmit. And that’s what happens in oracle readings.

If you are reading this you are party to the wonderful fabric of creators of tarot, oracle cards, or whatever moves your inquiry to settle into its supreme consciousness. I suppose I am justified in using the word finally, as I am experiencing all systems on board, and all decks are cleared and honored regularly. These skills are at the ready.

It is said, if you can ask the question, the answer is within. Sometimes we want  a guide.

Readings began here

My mom took me with her to psychic fairs. She would get readings now and then. Sure was better than where my dad used to take me. Yoinks. Did I just say that? Many of the women had beehive up do’s. So cool. They were mainly psychics or mediums. Too bad the psychics didn’t tell my mom what my dad was up to.

My first reading was in NYC. I believe it was a psychic fair. I remember one thing. The tower card. She said, “Something needs your attention. You can either be proactive and take care of things and see what it is- alleviate a problem. Or do nothing, and what I’m seeing is you may have something in disrepair.”

So I thought about it. I owned a house in Indiana. I checked in with my ex, and things weren’t being taken care of.  Oh surprise. But we did  a little something, not recalling what. The thought crossed my mind that it may be time to sell. I didn’t want to encounter the Tower!

One week later I got a phone call, from a guy who was wondering if I wanted to sell my house. Timing was perfect.

Really it’s a place to be intuitive. To be invited to have a look, and that invitation provides quite an opening. The cards are living worlds. And my dear friend, seeker, healer and colleague Swami Netri said to me one day, “I want you to give me a tarot reading.” I replied, “I don’t read tarot.” He said, “yes you do.” And so it began…

Get a reading now!

Nobody has the power to take two steps together. You can take one step at a time. Step by step, one step at a time one can go 10,000 miles.

~From The Tao  ~

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