Breathing Meditation for Centering and Grounding
• To relax and let go. 5 guided Vayu breaths, with meditation.
• Perfect for daily use.
• Great way to start the day, before a meeting, end the day
22 minute mp3
Dragon Meditation
The following Visualization was created on 1.23.12 in honor of the New Year of the Dragon and the new moon; it’s an audio mp3 for you. It’s a powerful meditation and visualization and can be used any time.
Take 2 minutes, and listen as I explain who the Arcana are, the archetypes from the tarot!!!
Clear the Clutter: Completion is King
• Enhanced clearing for 22 Week program
• Gives major tips in 3 areas to complete
• Move forward powerfully unencumbered
1 hour mp3
Justice: Balance, the Art of Your Own review
This link is a from a live teleclass, includes a visualization for balance and power.
The Fool: Jump into Your Vision, the Art of Your True Nature
This link is a from a live teleclass, the first in the series to launch you!
Receive: The art of listening, the art of storytelling
The following is a link from a live call-in interview between myself and Marilyn Twintrees, facilitated by Lisa Berkhana Gervais. It’s absolutely timeless and inspiring.
3 Steps when taken to heart change everything
A one page PDF
Intro to the ARcana PDF
A book to help you organize.
FREE Downloadable PDF!