222, The Lovers, The Queen of Disks, and The Moon

It’s the year of the Lover – It’s the VI in the Major Arcana- Time for joy~ Union, relating, divining, dancing


Queen of Disks

She’s determined in her life to sit strongly in the position she is in, which is the material world. She is all about THAT. For anyone like me, who has dedicated a life to spirit, this directive is fresh and welcomed. Now it’s about being here— in this world—and out there in this new time.  It’s an exact focus, not distracted. Putting a new definition on intention. Intention extreme.

The Moon

Completion energy, romance, knowing what’s illusion—time to bust through the fog.


It looks like 3 swans.

It’s a signal like morse code- what may it be for you?

A spiritual bypass is occurring this year. If you ever wondered what your purpose is, this year is a platform for the question. BEcause, isn’t our purpose to be living as a soul? It always has been, and now that we are more in our bodies than ever, we don’t need that question.

We can thank the mind for being so powerful. We can thank the heart for being so big, and now we can say, Soul: you take over. I trust you. Connecting from our soul will be at the forefront of our lives.  222 mind body soul.

We are healing—collectively and personally. If we are true to self and accept and then honor and reflect that out to the world, that’s a protective shield.
With this, great innovations are in route; they are in the pike.

A teacher and friend John Carroll, a very magical being, would laugh at the curiosity seekers that would come to him. They would challenge him. They weren’t true seekers, (what I mean by that is someone ready). I do notice if I do something out of curiosity verses being fully in with it, it kills the cat. I mean, what’s the point anymore. Do it.

A story

A very potent number in my life. I was born at 2:22 p.m. I also connected to my father through the repeated 222. This became very strong when he passed. Born in 1922, weighing 2.2 lbs, and was a 22 life path in numerology. He survived 2 merchant marine ships that went down. Then the 2’s really came in, after he had a cerebral hemorrhage on 2/22/1993 – added together 1993 is a 22.  I clocked out of work at 2:22 pm. He passed 2 days later. I went back to work 2 weeks later and recounted with a friend and coworker some of the magic of the past 2 weeks. While speaking about it, the weather changed dramatically, the skies turned dark and the wind starting whipping. Then it rained for a few minutes and stopped. We looked at the clock and it was 2:22 pm.  When I see the number I pay attention. Like many do with 11:11 and 12:12 and all repeated numbers. You can’t get it wrong as it will keep occurring. You can slow it down though. Be ready—seize the shit out of 2022.

Oracle Reader

True to her namesake, Andrea’s oracle readings are RICH! Rich in depth. Rich in revelation. Rich in activation. To sit down at the table with her is to pull back the veil for awhile and peer into the inner workings of your soul‘s machinery.

I’ve had some disappointing readings in the past that lacked substance and luster. I felt like my reading was so general, it could be applied to anyone…or they were saying what I wanted to hear. And I’m a skeptic by nature. A scientist too!

However, Andrea’s readings have connected to the events and stories in my life through so much synchronicity and weird nuance, that I couldn’t deny their potency. I love her use of imagery, story, myth, and metaphor to create an illustration of the karmic dynamics at play in my life and to help me connect the dots from a place that goes under and beyond language.

And the readings are just FUN. Like Carnivál in Rio fun. 10/10 will sign up for a reading / Astral Escapade with this wily wizard again.
~Lydia M., 2024


Clarifying. Clairvoyence, clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognizant, clairgustance (taste), clairalience (smell).

Omniscience, omnipresence. And most profound—storytelling.

All of these are found within, and many of us sensitives, intuitives, psychics, have been making sense of them our whole lives. Of course I must include the widely and perhaps not always correctly used term empath. I get way too saturated when things become things in the western culture.

So the beautiful truth is these systems hold the keys to knowing the self. They use the gateway called awareness. When the knowing trusts in them they amplify, purify, and better yet—transmit. And that’s what happens in oracle readings.

If you are reading this you are party to the wonderful fabric of creators of tarot, oracle cards, or whatever moves your inquiry to settle into its supreme consciousness. I suppose I am justified in using the word finally, as I am experiencing all systems on board, and all decks are cleared and honored regularly. These skills are at the ready.

It is said, if you can ask the question, the answer is within. Sometimes we want  a guide.

Readings began here

My mom took me with her to psychic fairs. She would get readings now and then. Sure was better than where my dad used to take me. Yoinks. Did I just say that? Many of the women had beehive up do’s. So cool. They were mainly psychics or mediums. Too bad the psychics didn’t tell my mom what my dad was up to.

My first reading was in NYC. I believe it was a psychic fair. I remember one thing. The tower card. She said, “Something needs your attention. You can either be proactive and take care of things and see what it is- alleviate a problem. Or do nothing, and what I’m seeing is you may have something in disrepair.”

So I thought about it. I owned a house in Indiana. I checked in with my ex, and things weren’t being taken care of.  Oh surprise. But we did  a little something, not recalling what. The thought crossed my mind that it may be time to sell. I didn’t want to encounter the Tower!

One week later I got a phone call, from a guy who was wondering if I wanted to sell my house. Timing was perfect.

Really it’s a place to be intuitive. To be invited to have a look, and that invitation provides quite an opening. The cards are living worlds. And my dear friend, seeker, healer and colleague Swami Netri said to me one day, “I want you to give me a tarot reading.” I replied, “I don’t read tarot.” He said, “yes you do.” And so it began…

Get a reading now!

Nobody has the power to take two steps together. You can take one step at a time. Step by step, one step at a time one can go 10,000 miles.

~From The Tao  ~

Show me a Sign – seeing life in 360 – 5 week group course

Based on ask and you shall receive, we will place your feet on the ground and your heart into heaven. Part of my Divine Design Lab series.

In this exploration we will be diving deeply into the never ending support & collaboration with Mother Earth and the animals. This course is about respect…

Course cost: $111.00

Direct pay via Venmo:   @Andrea-Rich-7

Paypal :  https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ARichPro

Calls  5 Thursday’s

To make this a no brainer, if you are unsure of what is being offered and want to check it out, a full refund is available by notifying me by the end of the day one day after the first call on 1/22.

Each Week on the live recorded calls:

  • play with a different breath and animal
  • experience content nudging you to open up and create a new perspective – designed to give you an a-ha.
  • receive a mini reading every week

Each week you will receive an email preceding the call and a following email with the recording. I will be available via email for questions. Some of which I may answer on the next weeks call.

More about:

Group calls are so powerful! Get ready to receive… Some soul craving, inner contentment, outer riches. We will be accessing the language of the soul. ~The ways of the breath. The wiles of the animals. The inner design that creates the outer reality.~ Show me a sign is an empowerment course.

facebook live readings 9.18.2020 @ 2:30 pst / 5:30 est

2019-01-10 12.15.28

This will be announced on a facebook live gathering Friday 9.18.202o  – mersur live

Now Read This– Zoom Workshop-

  • This pay what you wish workshop will be live on zoom.
  • Everyone will be able to ask a question as I will give mini reads to all.
  • This is for you if you are seeking how to manage your energy, your personal flame, and want to ask a question in a group setting of like souls. You are ready to kickstart something, and you may not even know what it is!
  • I have recently been in a huge relocation in all ways. As I write a roadrunner just walked in front of my window and stopped. That is a super take charge animal! So i write, the next few months are game changers and a real take charge time.
  • Date and time to follow. Based on my gathering the group together.


If interested email me:

andrea@arichproduction.com or call 917.524.8962

From Agni Sar newsletter, continued excerpt from I AM THAT

Q: One more question. Why does pleasure end in pain?

M: Everything has a beginning and an end and so does pleasure. Don’t anticipate and don’t regret, and there will be no pain. It is memory and imagination that cause suffering.

Of course pain after pleasure may be due to the misuse of the body of the mind. The body knows its measure, but the mind does not. Its appetites are numberless and limitless. Watch your mind with great diligence, for there lies your bondage and also the key to freedom.

Q: My question is not fully answered: Why are man’s pleasures destructive? Why does he find so much pleasure in destruction? Life’s concern lies in protection, perpetuation and expansion of itself. In this it is guided by pain an pleasure. At what point do they become destructive?

M: When the mind takes over, remembers and anticipates, it exaggerates, it distorts, it overlooks. The past is projected into the future and the future betrays the expectations. The organs of sensation and action are stimulated beyond capacity and they inevitably break down. The objects of pleasure cannot yield what is expected of them and get worn out, or destroyed by misuse. It results in excess pain where pleasure was looked for.

Q: We destroy not only ourselves, but others too?

M: Naturally, selfishness is always destructive. Desire and fear, both are self-centered states. Between desire and fear anger arises, with anger hatred, with hatred passion for destruction. War is hatred in action, organized and equipped with all the instruments of death.

Q: Is there a way to end these horrors?

M: When more people come to know their real nature, their influence, however subtle, will prevail and the world’s emotional atmosphere will sweeten up. People follow their leaders and when among the leaders appear some, great in heart and mind, and absolutely free from self-seeking, their impact will be enough to make the crudities and crimes of the present age impossible. A new golden age may come and last a time and succumb to its own perfection. For, ebb begins when the tide is at its highest.

Q: Is there no such thing as permanent perfection?

M: Yes, there is, but it includes all imperfection. It is the perfection of our self-nature which makes everything possible, perceivable, interesting. It knows no suffering, for it neither likes nor dislikes; neither accepts nor rejects. Creation and destruction are the two poles between which it weaves its ever-changing pattern. Be free from predilections and preferences and the mind with its burden of sorrow will be no more.

Q: But I am not alone to suffer. There are others.

M: When you go to them with your desires and fears, you merely add to their sorrows. First be free of suffering yourself and then only hope of helping others. You do not even need to hope– your very existence will be the greatest help a man can give his fellowmen.

From Chapter 59

Always so much to get from the teachings. One kernel ….

A day

What’s a day?

What we call the sunrise; new beginning. The high noon and afternoon: sustaining preserving life. What we call the  sunset; ending. The night sky; magical.

It happens everyday.

What it teaches me:

  • Birth
  • Life- ongoing with no meaning but what’s given. There’s always the sun, sometimes the sky is blue, sometimes it’s not, sometimes clouds, sometimes weather.
  • Death

Birth and death are opposites, not life and death. Life is Life. Love is Love and what we make of it, is our own dream, our own movie.  And as opposites, birth is death to something, death is birth to something. All the fuss in between.


Bear Love

A magical story

I have been saying lately that my intention… is to be intentional! And today I chose to create creating! A ridiculous kind of funny…

As you read this story you’ll see how perfect the prior sentence is.

I must start by saying my obsession with bears has peaked. In my heart I feel their sweet energy. I often see juvenile bears where I live. I believe this age to be equivalent to an 8 year old human. Not too long ago I dreamt of one walking by me in the front of my building. As it passed I thought, I really want to finally hug it. It turned around encircled me, stood up and hugged me. We kinda played pawsies then it got down and left. Amazing.

Ananda Ashram has been live in the mornings for fire ceremony, which I love and miss! After meditating we end in a chant for healing. We repeat maha-mrtyunjaya mantra. Or Tryambakam. Called the death conquering mantra. While chanting it, if there is anyone needing healing we envision them. This morning at the end of visualizing I saw a bear in my minds eye and then zoo animals. I opened my eyes and a bear was outside my window looking in. Then went on its way. I was covered in goosebumps. Total BEAR Shaktipat. I was soo excited and Bean also picked up on the energy. I jumped up and down and watched it. Magic! This is the same bear that passed by today:

2020-04-19 08.30.36


In this profound time

  • like sadguru (Isha in an interview with Brian Rose) said, just stay alive. i like that as I don’t want to miss this time
  • have a physical and spiritual hygiene practice- if you need help with this one contact me- it’s my wheelhouse
  • live intentionally and authentically
  • consider impact of words and thoughts
  • consider impact relating to animals, all of nature and planet
  • express self like never before
  • talk a stand, so you stop falling for just anything
  • even as things let up, don’t let up on the above


The unified front & facing fear

I’m choosing to share these observations. Uniting with inner guidance vs being out there~

For quite sometime now, the conversation with many has been around fear. How to face our own, truly preparing for this time. It’s undeniable that we have been given the opportunity to face fears now. I’ve been asking the question lately and earnestly, “Why are we in fear?” “Why has it always been this way?” We can say it’s being afraid of losing our life here, and we do anything to avoid that discomfort.

I am seeing fear as a huge webbing, and thankfully it is unstable and it contains within it the matrix of the duality. I firmly believe that we are being given the chance of our lifetimes. We are being asked to stabilize.. And what occurs to me is that the common commitment is being love and not fear.

I have been a super vigilant person since I was born, and that too is collapsing. Unity was only an intellectual idea- until now. For me anyway. It is landing . Our vibration remains the most important aspect of our life. And it is THE CHOICE. As I’ve been choosing anything other than fear lately I’m getting it. A unified field. A unified front is our birth rite. And as a super vigilant person, entrained to respond to things with urgency, this time period is an enormous time- out. So another collapsing. Urgency is yet another form of fear.

And collectively we are being given a chill pill. That too is a great immunization. Stabilizing ourselves again. What I mean by this is all the fragments of ourselves are being pulled together into 2020 focus. It is our rite to experience oneness. All the duality dissolving.

This duality has been perpetuated by thinking we had to choose. We haven’t understood that our vibration is where choices manifest. So we chose this not that, and it all kept a perpetual motion of fragmenting. Endlessly figuring it out. What a game. And it’s coming to an end.

And realizing now that we offer our vibration at all times. Not reliant on anyone telling us what’s what, but deciding for ourselves.

And as a temple in an Ashram is closed at times to clear and recharge, so will our world.  Resistance will drop and perhaps stillness will be the slow drip.

to everyone’s self mastery. HO!

Retreats 2020~ Info for Winter


A profound afternoon of reclaiming power with ritual and sound integration

A modern day ritual~ for your well-being;

a time to honor earth, embodiment, and inner mastery

In this retreat we:

Reclaim language. Revisit our ancient tribal essence where we allow space and awareness to emerge. We invite the Emperor archetype, and play in its profound energy of authority and leadership.

The insights that have arisen for humanity regarding the Divine Feminine now evoke a time of merging. So in our retreat we bring into focus whatever limits we have around power and leadership. Wherever our inner authority has been sabotaged and blocked our creativity. Freeing us powerfully for the year.

At the Movement & Learning Center Sunday – from 12- 4:30

90 Biltmore Ave, Asehville

Above French broad Coop

$35 – normally $97

Bring a friend $53

Setting up your new year with 20/20 clarity! An afternoon immersion. Along with the Emperor archetype of the tarot, we will use breath work, sound, silence, and numerology.

Come immerse yourself in a powerful loving container. Dress comfortably as though you are going to yoga class. If you want to lie down during the sound integration (at least 30 minutes ) bring a yoga mat, blanket, etc. The room will be set up with chairs, and if you’d like a cushion you may want to bring one.  Bring some nourishment, water, snack or lunch. As we will break for 15 minutes. Food Coop is downstairs if you need anything.








Inception for Redesign 2020

Uncovering the Narrative

Great design simplifies a very complicated world.

If you’re not realizing a dream, 7 years is a long time. Bjarke Ingels

I’ve just come upon the beginning of year 7 in Asheville. So it’s game change time. Whatever I’ve come to know in this last phase of life is crucial. My awareness around just where I’ve been. And true to form, we have had to zoom way out. Personally I think the common human link now is that we’ve tipped ourselves on our axis and we are renovating.

My work requires another world to collide with. For me it started young with my mothers hoarding and lack of organization, and my fathers sometimes mercurial madness where he’d blast into a project. I do that. I had to make sense of my world and in order to be safe, I would recreate it until it was simple and beautiful.

So it’s been hard at times to solicit and share my gifts. It’s a happening.

2020 will be a relaunch. With laser focus.